음악듣기/Joan Baez

[스크랩] song of Bangladesh............Joan Baez

Sidonio 2006. 12. 18. 19:04


Joan Baez >> Song Of Bangladesh


예전에(20년도 더 된)  들었던 노래인데, 상당히 정치적으로 해석되었었다.

그 내용이 가물가물하여 인터넷에서 찾아봤는데, 정확한 자료는 못 찾겠다.


다만, 1972년 작품이라는 점, 1971년에 방글라데시가 파키스탄으로부터 독립했다는 사실,

가사가 반군부/반독재적인 내용인 것으로 미루어 보아 71~72년즈음 신생국가에서 흔한

인권유린에 대한 항의차원에서 만들어진 게 아닌가 싶다.

어쩌면, 파키스탄으로부터의 독립과정에 대한 얘기인지도...

(아무튼, 역사는 1975년부터 몇차례 군부쿠데타가 났다고 기록하고 있다)


존 바에즈의 명곡.


매년 홍수로 수천명씩 죽어가는 것도 모자라, 해일로 또 죽어간 수많은 사람들을 기리며...

그리고 수십만명이나 죽었음에도 불구하고, 호기심과 자극적 화젯거리로만 회자함에,

또 무력함을 핑계삼아 숫자에나 흥분했던 나를 반성하며...

우리 주변의 동남아시아 사람들과 더불어...

      Bangladesh, Bangladesh
      Bangladesh, Bangladesh
      When the sun sinks in the west
      Die a million people of the Bangladesh

      The story of Bangladesh
      Is an ancient one again made fresh
      By blind men who carry out commmands
      Which flow out of the laws upon which nation stands

      Which is to sacrifice a people for a land

      Bangladesh, Bangladesh
      Bangladesh, Bangladesh
      When the sun sinks in the west
      Die a million people of the Bangladesh

      Once again we stand aside
      And watch the families crucified
      See a teenage mother's vacant eyes
      As she watches her feeble baby try

      To fight the monsoon rains and the cholera flies

      And the students at the university
      Asleep at night quite peacefully
      The soldiers came and shot them in their beds

      And terror took the dorm awakening shrieks of dread
      And silent frozen forms and pillows drenched in red

      Bangladesh, Bangladesh
      Bangladesh, Bangladesh

      When the sun sinks in the west
      Die a million people of the Bangladesh

      Did you read about the army officer's plea

      For donor's blood? It was given willingly
      By boys who took the needles in their veins
      And from their bodies every drop of blood was drained

      No time to comprehend and there was little pain

      And so the story of Bangladesh
      Is an ancient one again made fresh
      By all who carry out commands

      Which flow out of the laws upon which nations stand

      Which say to sacrifice a people for a land

      Bangladesh, Bangladesh
      Bangladesh, Bangladesh
      When the sun sinks in the west
      Die a million people of the Bangladesh
출처 : 꿈꾸는자작나무가 있는숲으로~~
글쓴이 : 꿈꾸는 자작나무 원글보기
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